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  • Girl, Interrupted
  • Wishing Stairs
  • But I'm a Cheerleader
  • Showgirls

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  • Sleep Tight

  • The Haunting of Helena

  • Rites of Spring

  • Maniac


Recent reviews

  • Sleep Tight

    Sleep Tight

    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

  • The Haunting of Helena

    The Haunting of Helena

    Despite the ghastly twist ending, this movie was horrible.

    The Haunting Of Helena failed for various reasons. Bad acting, crap graphics, lackluster characters, spotty cinematography and horribly washed out subtitles are things that drove me mad. Another thing that ruined the movie was how it moved at a snail's pace. By the middle, I wanted them to get to the point because the many unnecessary backstory scenes bored me. The climax was good but not good enough to forget the…

Popular reviews

  • Atrocious



    Atrocious was better than expected! I didn't see the twist coming which is something I always appreciate in a horror film.

    The acting is good and the cinematography was great for a FF film (which I don't normally watch). Some of the scenes felt pointless but the movie isn't boring. It isn't something you'd watch then say it should've been *insert an amount of time* shorter because it has a nice pace. Something else I don't normally find is FF…

  • Maniac



    Not going to get into details about the synopsis because it's quite obvious from the trailer... homicidal psychotic on the loose killing women he covets. Although I gave this half a star, I meant ZERO stars. That's how much a hated this film.

    Like many, I saw the original prior to this. I'll be honest... the original is horrible. The acting was bad, the kill scenes (thankfully) were forgettable, the killer wasn't interesting and the movie didn't catch my attention…