Not sure why it took me so long to watch this. It's great.
They tread new ground in this movie...
... by putting in a "s*** for brains" joke. 😆
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Not sure why it took me so long to watch this. It's great.
They tread new ground in this movie...
... by putting in a "s*** for brains" joke. 😆
Was my first Ghibli movie ever and I can safely say... it still holds up. The charm of hand drawn animation will never fade on me.
A magical adventure which did not al all inspire the recent Legend of Zelda... at all (it's SOOOO obvious when you compare the two. Those games took a bit from every Ghibli movie of this era I think).
Not as bad as Metacritic would have you believe. There have been worse films this year (*cough 'Madame Web' *cough). Very generic and predictable but with some fun action and funny line delivery that made me giggle once or twice.
The source material of Borderlands isn't a bastion of dramatic storytelling and anyone who says otherwise is coping hard. It's a bunch of delinquents running around a generic as fuck Sci-fi junkyard planet which looks to actually be a made up of a lot of real sets and decent CGI, rather than just using the volume for everything like Disney have recently.