

Favorite films

  • Fish Tank
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • The Young Girls of Rochefort
  • Black Christmas

Recent activity

  • Bowling for Columbine


  • Blow-Up


  • Waco: The Rules of Engagement


  • The Luck of the Irish


Recent reviews

  • Bowling for Columbine

    Bowling for Columbine


    Harrowing, powerful film that deeply impacted me.

    I’ve had a recent project of looking into cults and 90s/00s history, plus I’m a fan of Michael Moore, so this one was perfectly lined up.

    Truly some terrifying stuff here, that had me in tears in multiple sections.

    The interview with the Oklahoma City Bomber assistant was crazy, and the real time viewing of Columbine was super effective. 

    I was a bit worried about the K-Mart section, but that fact that he…

  • Blow-Up



    The movie starts out quite slow, and the plot content spilled in the longline is more of the midpoint rather than the inciting incident. Also the main character is almost too irrevocably unlikable by its midpoint.

    However once it does reach that plot twist, the movie becomes excellent. The last third of this film is transfixing and I loved loved loved the last scene. It’ll start a conversation, but I believe still highly thematic.

    I can see why it was influential, only wish the beginning was as engaging.

    Three and a half stars.

Popular reviews

  • Us



    Don’t read any reviews on this.

    But if you must, I will only tell you this: Us is ten times scarier than Get Out. It’s also as good, if not better than that film. Peele shows his mastery at screenwriting once again.

    I know I’ll be watching this film once more when it hits theaters.

  • No Time to Die

    No Time to Die


    This is the best of modern popcorn entertainment right here.

    It’s elegant camp.

    From a craft standpoint, it is impeccably put together. Every shot a technical marvel. I can’t imagine how long that took to make and it goes to show just how good the studios have gotten at making a film when they want to.

    I was initially worried when I saw all those names on the writing credits, but I should have been assured when I saw Phoebe…