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★★½ Watched 08 Jul 2021
Domino be doing Vrooom Vrooom in car and playing with magnets,
Whilst car in space in diving suits
★★★★★ Watched 27 Aug 2020
Got paintball vibes at the end 😂
★★ Watched 23 Jul 2020
22% of the dialogue in this film, are the phrases:
‘Aye Aye Sir’ (62 times)‘Right Standard Rudder’ (15 times)‘Left Full Rudder’ (15 times)
Honourable mentions also include:
Contact bearing which is 3% of the script, and all ahead which is mentioned 25 times.
★★★★★ Rewatched 28 Sep 2019
‘Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.’