Crying and pissing myself over the namaste joke as my mom’s license plate reads namaste.
Followed shortly by him calling my Raynaud’s-having girlfriend “Debbie blue toes”
Dark woke leftist bill is here to stay
Crying and pissing myself over the namaste joke as my mom’s license plate reads namaste.
Followed shortly by him calling my Raynaud’s-having girlfriend “Debbie blue toes”
Dark woke leftist bill is here to stay
Truly fascinating to see a film about a woman who has had labels forced upon her identity her entire life be engaged with in such bad faith that people force labels onto the character because they are afraid of things being too easy to label.
Yes, the film has an inherently problematic “conversion” vibe to it. No, it was obviously not intentional.
For a film whose whole thesis is about treating people with respect, allowing them to be who they…