

je l’ai largué parce que c’était impossible de parler ciné avec lui

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  • Win or Lose

    Win or Lose

    great tv, day ii

    (we see u, kai </3)

  • Adolescence


    great tv

Popular reviews

  • Petite Maman

    Petite Maman


    Céline Sciamma is, in a way, everything I strive to be: someone with an unmitigated access to inner worlds. She has mastered the art of opening those worlds to her audience through the subtle and underestimated impossible. 

    This film is about the fervent desire to make contact, to secure closeness, to provoke long-lasting encounters beyond grief, without palliatives and as uninhibited as imagination allows. Sciamma understands the tenderness in the act of moving away from reality to honor our innermost…

  • Scenes from a Marriage

    Scenes from a Marriage


    As we know, marriage and long-term relationships are two different things. Marriage is a sociocultural construct, long-term relationships are an evolutionary heuristic. Marriage is generally predicated on institutions, long-term relationships on personal incentives. But despite these fundamental differences, both forms of union most times converge in a single, sanctified agreement: long-term marriage. This series attempts to amplify the intricate, messy and largely uncontrolled dynamics that arise from such convergence. And with this, it also attempts to dismantle each structure (institutional…
