Bludgeoning is now my love language. Get yourself someone that wants to bash your head in with a sledgehammer; Morrissey would be proud.
Watched with my sister. She hated it. Really looked like Punch-Drunk Love.
Bludgeoning is now my love language. Get yourself someone that wants to bash your head in with a sledgehammer; Morrissey would be proud.
Watched with my sister. She hated it. Really looked like Punch-Drunk Love.
Final film of the semester w/ Eufilmsoc. Watched in full theatre with lads. Wore a nice wool jumper and brought hot chocolate from the JMCC. Perfect conditions.
This is one of the few films that hold the honor of being watched more than twice by my person. As always, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Idk if enough to warrant it’s position on the top four, as I think that it naturally didn’t hit as hard as the first or second time…
4th film with EdUni filmsoc
I cried a lil. Showing this one to my children.