Naor Linard

Naor Linard

Favorite films

  • Solaris
  • The Holy Mountain
  • Taxi Driver
  • The Man Who Sleeps

Recent activity

  • The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie


  • Fresh


  • Retribution


  • Anora


Recent reviews

  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    Captain America: The Winter Soldier


    Mais de duas horas do capitão e companhia lutando contra os mesmos inimigos…. um tanto quanto entediante no mínimo.

    Ao menos algumas cenas de ação/combate acabam tendo uma vibe de “missão impossível” e são bem produzidas. 

    Dito isso, assistir toda sequencia de filmes da marvel tem sido mais difícil do que eu imaginava

  • Iron Man 3

    Iron Man 3


    Que historinha hein? 

    Mesmo assistindo esses filmes apenas como uma forma de entretenimento (que é até válido pra esse caso), a história bagunçada e cheia de furos e coisas sem muito nexo acabam me incomodando um pouco…

    Mas é isso né, homem de ferro salva o dia mais uma vez, explosões e vilões perdem.

Popular reviews

  • Captain America: The First Avenger

    Captain America: The First Avenger


    Welp, so I decided to go against my own taste and started to watch the whole MCU productions.

    Enjoyable, despite being a big ideological mess filled with propaganda and some silly/weird situations.

    A hard to believe extremely corageous guy turns into a kind of eugenic soldier only to fulfill his gut to “punch some bullies”

    The film gets in a strange slow pace at the middle of it - Beware, you may start doing anything apart than watching it.

    After some action and the obvious good guy vs bad guys, the film ends with the best line it could. I feel you Steven Rogers!!!

  • Thor



    Well…. it’s  kinda funny because it has sooo many flaws. Sometimes it seemed like I was watching a rom com or some odd western action film.

    But the “rivalry” between Loki and Thor are really the highlight of this film, thanks to Loki being a wayyy more complex character than all of the others presented until now.
