Nathan Collins

Nathan Collins

Don’t you lecture me with your thirty dollar haircut!

Favorite films

  • Transformers
  • The Last Black Man in San Francisco
  • Step Brothers
  • Saving Private Ryan

Recent activity

  • Mr. & Mrs. Smith


  • Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'


  • Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!


  • Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon


Recent reviews

  • Mr. & Mrs. Smith

    Mr. & Mrs. Smith


    “We don’t want to go to bed angry!”

    “She’s the Wii Channel, and you’re…. whatever competes against the Wii channel.”

    I don’t know what it is, but this movie is something that I will forever enjoy. Maybe the irony that people would fight the way they do in a world where pain didn’t exist? The odd setting and the marital bout amongst the gunfights. I don’t know, I love every bit about this movie, even when it gets to be…

  • Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'

    Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'


    “Use your head. Do you actually think I would stay loyal to you after you blew up the planet I was destined to rule?”
    “Don’t dream of resurrecting again…”

    OH MY GOD. This movie was phenomenal! I don’t understand why people hate on the Super artstyle. It’s less gritty & edgy than Z, but it’s great! Just something on my head. Also, Golden Frieza is just so cool.

    THIS is the segway to Super I wanted, far superior to Battle of…

Popular reviews

  • Waves



    “I fuckin’ hate you bruh.”

    This is by all accounts the worst movie I have ever seen. This distasteful, over-the-top, offensive & disgusting piece of ‘media’ fucking blows. This deserves 0 stars, 1 at the maximum, maybe.

    What the fuck is the point of the aspect ratio changes? Why do these camera angles & pans have to be anything but normal? This is the worst shot sequencing I have ever seen - did they put the movie together wrong? I can’t help…

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 3

    Sonic the Hedgehog 3


    “The last time I sat beneath stars like this, I was with her.”
    “A light shines even though the star is gone.”

    To start, I know this movie isn’t an adaptation of any game, even though it takes inspiration from Sonic Adventure 2 & it’s Battle release, BUT, this is THE perfect Sonic Movie. This is the feeling, mood, humor, and base execution of a stereotypical game encapsulated into a movie, doing things they couldn’t with a game, such as a lot…