Jesus fucking Christ.
Maria esa perra. Te lo juro.
man i don’t even know where to begin. this rewatch ended up piercing every layer of my existence and leaving me wildly comforted. i love thinking of this movie as a companion to lost in translation (2001).
the pain that sits at the root of both movies is our feelings of being misunderstood and with that comes the isolation and disconnection we feel to the world at large. from that point, each film uniquely makes its way forward to the…
Through a radical post-capitalist phantasmal lens this movie made me feel profoundly emotional and inspired in theaters.
I interpreted the distant planet, home to the blue aliens, as a deep desire for a world full of tremendous radiating colors, dancing in the streets, and music profusely playing everywhere.
A world that does not concern itself with capital accumulation or exploitation of art for basic human survival i.e. radio billboards, award shows, massive stadium shows, predatory record deals etc.
Therefore, I’ll choose to watch this movie as the ultimate fantasy for all lovers of sound. Oh and I couldn’t stop myself from bopping in my seat.