
nathankelly90 Pro

I give most movies good reviews even the bad ones and I’m not sorry for that.

Favorite films

  • Wet Hot American Summer
  • Almost Famous
  • Brick
  • Inside Llewyn Davis

Recent activity

  • Near Dark


  • Parasite


  • Zodiac


  • The Host


Recent reviews

  • Near Dark

    Near Dark


    Alt titles for this: The Lost (Cow)boys, Blood (Sucking) Simple, No Country for Undead Men. 

    Obviously Paxton is great here and basically the highlight but it took me 2/3 of the movie to realize that the kid vampire is the little brother from Teen Witch, and had some of the best line reads of all time. Also! Wrote the movie The Final Girls. Trying to get better at watching movies directed by women. Very likely I’m going to revisit this with commentary from Kathryn Bigelow.

  • Parasite



    “More like Park So Damn!”
    -me every time I watch this movie

    Watched the black and white version included with the criterion dvd, and I’m a little torn on it. With something like Godzilla Minus One Minus Color it feels in line with the period of the film. I can see its merit but it didn’t really work for me, maybe if I’d seen it in theaters in B&W it’d be a different story. I also stopped watching the pre-film…

Popular reviews

  • The Fugitive

    The Fugitive


    “And don’t let them give you any shit about your ponytail.” is an Oscar winning line if I’ve ever heard one. Honestly the Best Supporting Actor should always go to ‘Guy Having The Most Fun’ as Tommy Lee Jones is doing here. I enjoyed this a lot more than I did when I was a kid. The L fight is great but pales in comparison to some of the shit I’ve witnessed on the red line, including but not limited…

  • Megalopolis


    Absolutely insane what the fuck energy. Call him Francis Freak Coppola from here on out.  Everyone and everything in this movie is cranked up to 11. Civilization brought to its knees by Nathalie Emmanuel. Aubrey Plaza is Wow Platinum for Christ's sake! I felt the strong urge to check the time and it certainly lost me at points but I kinda dug it? The lows of this certainly aren’t pleasant but I strongly disagree with the person walking out of the theatre that called it the “worst fucking movie I’ve ever seen.”