Nayeem Alam

Nayeem Alam

Favorite films

  • Twin Peaks: The Return
  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion

Recent activity

  • Flow


  • Scream


  • Borderlands

  • The Apprentice


Recent reviews

  • Twin Peaks

    Twin Peaks


    I'm not entirely sure where to put my thoughts but I've been more emotionally affected by the passing of david lynch than any 'celebrity' or public figure in my lifetime.

    I discovered twin peaks at perhaps the worst time in my life, at time where at any moment I was close to ending my life. contrary to popular belief however, lynch's films are not full of despair and horror. of course they feature, but ultimately the common thread throughout his…

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    absolutely mental that this went mainstream, a movie for sickos

Popular reviews

  • Lift



    possibly one of my favorite documentary shorts of all time.

    I find humans to be infinitely fascinating. every one of us holds stories, a lifetime of memories. loved ones, little moments, tragedies and laughter. no matter our differences, it is these shared connections that bind us, to a wholly human experience.

    lift is to experience life

  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi


    the last jedi is a film that understands what audiences expected following the force awakens and does away with it. for the better. it understands that complicated, personal stories are better than simple ‘good vs. bad’ stories. it understands that greatness can come from the most humble of beginnings. 

    it takes theories and fan speculation and does away with it all because at the end of the day none of it matters. what matters is the heart of star wars…
