nayla 🕷️

nayla 🕷️

nihilism, cynicism, sarcasm, anarchism, and parker posey.

Favorite films

  • Klute
  • Two-Lane Blacktop
  • Badlands
  • Trust

Recent activity

  • Symbiopsychotaxiplasm


  • Made in Britain

  • Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers

  • Double Indemnity


Recent reviews

  • Symbiopsychotaxiplasm



    it really does bug you off when you watched something that has a meta-perspective theme. there is a thing, there is also a thing in a thing, and there is a thing tells you that there is a thing in thing.

    paradoxically mind-bending. human should all be familiar with this. life is multi-interpreting and the efforts put to discover every layer of understanding and sides is absolutely fucking cool. it’s making me thirsty, i need to know more about undiscovered sides, perspectives, and all the ideas in this reality.

  • Made in Britain

    Made in Britain

    gue main block blast sepanjang film dan cuma melek pas Trevor being racist asf

Popular reviews

  • Quickie Express

    Quickie Express


    "Dari mana ente tau kalo ane suka laki?"
    "Noh jari kelingking lu ngetrill"

    Sumfah ya, LUCU BANGET COK. Gue suka aja sama komedinya yang suka difelintir sampe kadang gak terduga-duga. Ketawa bgt fas bagian Aming disuruh ngeja terus clientnya makin engas. TOLOL BGT GA NGERTI LAGI. W jujur juga gak ngira endingnya bakal makin ngaco kek otak karakternya. Sumfah bodo amat karena ini lucu w kasih rating 4/5. Agak ngingetin gue sama But I’m A Cheerleader, tafi persi haram.

    Oiye, jangan lufain soundtrack The Adams sama Sore. Really loved it.

  • The Exiles

    The Exiles


    Menyelamatkan apa yang bisa diselamatkan.
    Save what can be saved.

    one of the words from Pram they held until today.

    i will cherish the opportunity to be able to watch this forever, seeing the director in real life along with one of the 98’ witness and victim. two hours of shedding too much of tears, a time travel that will take you to witness real history and the people behind it that were alive, yet powerless to prevent anything that…