in a short summary: sweet and sentimental
personally i very much enjoyed, and my gut wants to rate this higher but i know that it’s just because of how it made me feel. not a movie for everyone but very unique and worth the watch in my opinion
rewatched and god this is so so so good. i feel like the length does it very well, to me it feels almost tailored and well trimmed with how efficient it is at introducing all of the various plot points and weaving them together so well but not dragging anything out.
well worth the rewatch, i feel like i got so much more seeing everything from a full perspective. very cool movie and if the soundtrack is original, i hope it gets nominated for best score i ate it up again.
oh my god. what a story and fernanda torres had one of the best performances i have ever seen (pls win ur oscar girl), everyone should watch this
while it was glaringly obvious that this was adapted from a book, it was still fun and new (someone show this to barron IMMEDIATELY)