i still don’t know the difference between calling them movies or films
top four are most recent rated 4.5 or 5.
“I love you, forever. You hear me? I love you forever. And I'm coming back. I'm coming back.”
Interstellar originally released in 2014. Gravity released the year prior. I can vividly remember watching Gravity, and I can even remember watching it a second time, showing it to my family. However I have no recollection of Interstellar’s release and I can only remember that I have seen it.
Flash forward to December of 2024. It has been put back into theaters…
i dont know know if i can convey how much this has absolutely impacted me. the documentary is 103 minutes and i think i cried for about 80 minutes of it. as someone who has been on digital spaces for over half my life, starting from webkinz and club penguin, moving to pokémon forums and deviant art, later to console gaming and eventually online subcultures through tumblr and stan twitter, i have a similar understanding of just exactly how impactful…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
idk who fumbled harder here zack snyder or james gunn. i feel like this has not aged well and did not even need to be based off the original film, this is so wildly different literally and thematically that it feels the only things that it feels like it has in common with the original is the cameos, the mall, and the line call backs. most of the references honestly just felt like marvel slop call backs but that is…
a critique of environmentalism, politics, existentialism, class, capitalism, and how they’re all interconnected… basically another bong joon ho film. however i feel that this one is so beyond crystal clear i can already see it going over #their heads. this film could not have been any more relevant than it is right now, i am almost thankful for all of the delays it’s gone through.
i had a blast watching this, laughed so many times, and always have loved when robert pattinson gets to be a little weird (or a lot).
(also couldn’t stop thinking about that article about parasite and smell)
took me too long to see this one on my journey of seeing all of the oscar nominated films. truly something fantastic here. haven’t really gathered my thoughts completely with this one, but will be thinking about it with some guilt for avoiding it for so long.