<3 eugenio
expanding my spanish vocab one movie at a time 🙂
<3 eugenio
expanding my spanish vocab one movie at a time 🙂
wow their chemistry is so insane and it had me by THE NECK the whole entire damn time. the banter was indeed bantering. i did in fact tear up SEVERAL times and UGHHHHH MY HEARTTTTUH. felt so many things in this film. lovelovelovelove AHHHHHHH i do not know how i will get over this.
the book, the car ride, the waltz, them walking up the stairs to celine’s place, EVERYTHING AHHHHH if someone wrote a book about me it’d be over
“there are so many things that i want to do, and i end up doing not much” same celine
rating might be a bit harsh considering i was progressively getting sick and catching the flu throughout this, so i really just wanted it to be over 😭 might have to give her another shot when she comes out on streaming
this shit was so ass, but ofc i was crying at the end credits
twihard 4ever <3