

Favorite films

  • Shaun of the Dead

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  • Halloween


  • The Curse of Frankenstein


  • Bride of Frankenstein


  • Frankenstein


Recent reviews

  • Halloween



    Okay, So When  I first watched Halloween 2018 I didn’t really like it.. there was so much hype surrounding the film, and in my opinion it didn’t live up to it. But in all reality how could it?

     Now that I’ve had some time and the second viewing I can take it for what it is. A good slasher film done with skill and a reverence for the source material. It blows all the other substandard sequels out of the…

  • The Curse of Frankenstein

    The Curse of Frankenstein


    It's a solid retelling, and I know they were going for something different just don't feel empathy for the monster. And that's what made the Karloff versions special.

Popular reviews

  • Bride of Frankenstein

    Bride of Frankenstein


    Even better than the first one. So many iconic scenes and Boris Karloff is the man!

    If you don't feel for the monster...then you sir are the monster .

  • Frankenstein



    You have to watch the universal monster movies through a different lens, remember they were made close to a century ago...with that said this is a historic Monster movie. Just do yourself a favor and watch the three Karloff installments before watching Young'll thank me later :-)
