
neko_k3lly Pro

Favorite films

  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • mid90s
  • Knives Out
  • Scream

Recent activity

  • Sing Sing


  • Sideways


  • Train to Busan


  • Adolescence


Pinned reviews

  • mid90s



    This movies is perfectly imperfect. The characters do and say stupid shit because people in real life do and say stupid shit. This film both romanticizes life and shows the ugly side of the world. Each character has immense character development, showing the importance of casting unknown actors. No one else could have played these roles. The relationships between the characters are the driving force behind this film and it opens an interesting look at social influences, race, class, and…

Recent reviews

  • Sing Sing

    Sing Sing


    in another life this film would have rightfully won best song for “Like a bird”

  • Sideways



    This movie cements that men don’t deserve rights and I think as a punishment we should take away their access to wine and force them to drink shitty $15 wine vodka for the rest of their lives

Popular reviews

  • Train to Busan

    Train to Busan


    No movie has ever done the zombie genre better like there’s no competition

  • James Acaster: Hecklers Welcome

    James Acaster: Hecklers Welcome


    Shout out to Stephen Minney, truly a real one