
Edward Patron

this beach got me feeling old

Favorite films

  • Black Narcissus
  • The Red Shoes
  • Charade
  • Heat

Recent activity

  • Megalopolis


  • Casino


  • A Matter of Life and Death


  • Thelma & Louise


Recent reviews

  • Megalopolis



    I want to believe that provenance is as important for films as for paintings, that the countless revisions and amendments this idea accrued in its 50 year journey from conception to realisation have intrinsic value, but, in this case, they amount to an incoherence. How many times can you make a palimpsest before the newest message is illegible among all the faded words of before?

    Part of me thinks this is an experimental masterpiece in any other era. Part of…

  • Casino



    Sharon Stone is surrounded by such perfect performances and she still leaves everyone standing in the dust.

Popular reviews

  • Sunset Boulevard

    Sunset Boulevard


    Norma is one of the most tragic characters I’ve seen in a film, but both her and Joe come from very different sides of relatable desperation. I think this is a much better reflexive look at Hollywood than Singin’ in the Rain’s love letter.

    Anyway fuck Max

  • The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp

    The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp


    The Archers repeatedly demonstrate an unparalleled understanding of the changing England (and empire) in which they lived, and here they delve into the character of its satirised ageing military elite, outpaced by the warfare they commanded. The original cartoon character of Col. Blimp, borrowed for the title of this film and aspects of the character of Wynne-Candy, was a parody conceived after the cartoonist heard British cavalry officers at a bathhouse declaring that they should have the honour of wearing…
