Came into this cold, sorely disappointed.
I can only say that I'd categorize this as a "childish" and "irresponsible" film that I don't find much meaning in, which I just can't vibe with.
Came into this cold, sorely disappointed.
I can only say that I'd categorize this as a "childish" and "irresponsible" film that I don't find much meaning in, which I just can't vibe with.
This film gave me the same impression that Endgame gave me;
Fairly predictable, kind of annoying, tries too hard to be with the times, and overall an oversized mess.
But CHILDREN seems to love this kind of things, so who am I to complain ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I actually saw this movie exactly 24 hours ago and I just took the time to just process this movie. Its masterful craft is literally too much for me to handle after just finishing the movie.
I’ve only called a handful of movies perfect, and only a few manage to become one of my favourites. Only Mommy and Amadeus manage to scratch that itch of perfection for me, then comes along Paris, Texas, the most honest and quiet masterpiece I’ve ever seen.…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Kinda enjoyed it less than Sunrise, but still great. Maybe coz I expected a return to their original love story but it turns out to be more of a reunion.
The conversations they have are less romantic than political which was a bit jarring, but still sweet... in a way?
Perhaps love between 2 strangers was miles more appealing than a reunion of 2 ex-lovers.
Also, I had problems with the change of Jesse’s life, but that may be a…