

Favorite films

  • 12 Angry Men
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • The Dark Knight
  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Recent activity

  • Pulp Fiction


  • Hot Summer Nights


  • Gladiator II


  • Adventureland


Recent reviews

  • Pulp Fiction

    Pulp Fiction


    Quality - 4/5
    Watchability - 3/5
    Personal - 2/5

    Overall - 9/15

    I understand why this style of directing is impressive and why some believe this to be an excellent movie, I just don’t think Tarantino movies are my cup of tea. I was constantly trying to figure out what the whole motive was with each character just to find out there was really no grand scheme. I’m all for a plotless movie, as I am a huge fan of Linklater and his movies, but this just didn’t do it for me.

  • Hot Summer Nights

    Hot Summer Nights


    Quality - 2/5
    Watchabity - 3/5
    Personal - 3/5

    Overall - 8/15

    Exciting movie but just very mid, rando ending that just accelerates in the very end.  The character arcs are pretty weak as well.  However the intro is great and the acting is great, fun storyline to follow.

Popular reviews

  • Godzilla Minus One

    Godzilla Minus One


    I really appreciate how this movie was able to have such a deep message of the value of life, while still have those classic badass Godzilla scenes

  • Braveheart



    Quality - 4/5
    Watchability - 4/5
    Personal - 4/5
