check out my coffee & movie review podcast, coffee nick's movie picks ☕️
insta: coffeeniick
humans = lulu and sailor
the mom = miss piggy
santos = kermit
harry dean stanton = gonzo (duh)
bobby peru = uncle deadly
isabella rossellini = camilla the chicken
grace zabriskie = maybe like a female Animal
sheryl lee = sheryl lee
pace = one of those baby frogs
sherilyn fenn = sherilyn fenn
i also think sailor could be pepe the king prawn.
To me (and to many others), this is the heart of the horror genre; however, I find myself thinking it's not as timeless as people say it is. All things considered, this is not that scary aside from a few key moments (which are the scariest moments you'll ever see). At a certain point in history, though, I could definitely agree with this being the scariest film ever made.
This leads me to think a lot about what it means…
To lose one’s birth mother is to lose the very floor on which one stands.
Powerful, rich, deeply compelling. Right away, there are so many things I love about this movie and that make is special. The commentary, the score, the title cards (THE TITLE CARDS), the visuals, the color. Every technical element in this film is manipulated to deliver the highest impact and richest experience for audiences. But, there is also such a deep emotion in this film that…