

Favorite films

  • Funeral Parade of Roses
  • Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • Moonrise Kingdom

Recent activity

  • I'm Still Here


  • The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody

  • Star Wars


  • Twin Peaks


Recent reviews

  • Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me

    Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me


    Twin peaks... o que falar sobre twin peaks?

    Sinceramente, não acredito que uma simples review consiga sintetizar todas as ideias que são trabalhadas ao longo dessa película. A quantidade de sutilezas e detalhes é absurda. Eu poderia me estender por diversas linhas tecendo elogios. No entanto, independentemente do meu esforço, não existe, em nenhuma língua, um adjetivo que consiga sintetizar a qualidade de Twin Peaks. Ao longo do filme, senti como se meu corpo atravessasse um buraco sem fim, onde,…

  • Moonrise Kingdom

    Moonrise Kingdom


    absolute cinema!

Popular reviews

  • Happy Together

    Happy Together


    Happy aonde ?

  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


    "if you working for a living, why do you kill yourself working?"
    "well, after a meal, there's nothing like a good cigar."
    "blondie, don't die. I'm your friend"

    Sincerely, I don't have words to describe this movie; everything, even the most unimportant thing, was soooo perfect - from the beginning until the end. I was not expecting such a thing when i pressed the play button.

    Without a doubt, this is the best Western movie that I have ever watched