Nico Scire

Nico Scire

Movie Fan - Geek - Chemical Engineer - Amateur Writer

Favorite films

  • Psycho
  • The Apartment
  • The Godfather
  • When Harry Met Sally...

Recent activity

  • The Stepford Wives


  • Mindhunters


  • Lethal Weapon 2


  • Extreme Measures


Recent reviews

  • Malcolm & Marie

    Malcolm & Marie


    Critics gonna hate it cause the movie spends almost a third of the duration spitting in their faces telling them that they know shit when they talk and write about a film. If they can find something in it that relates to politics or minorities it’s a great movie, if not, it’s a crappy movie. GTFOH

    Enjoy and let the scenes show the emotions. Performances are awesome and you will switch sides in every discussion. That’s authenticity…

  • Hubie Halloween

    Hubie Halloween


    Simple-minded annoying childish lead character + unfunny jokes + stupid comments with sex cognotation + famous people cameos + Sandler’s friends = another Adam Sandler’s lame comedy

Popular reviews

  • Antebellum



    If you didn't know anything about the movie prior watching it like me (no trailers watched or sinopsis read) you are going to start watching this movie and you are not going to understand what the hell is going on. Trust me, keep watching and in the third act you are going to say OMG. It’s a really great plot twist. It’s difficult to stay watching till you understand the story but for me is worth it. Just try to…

  • Sleepaway Camp IV: The Survivor

    Sleepaway Camp IV: The Survivor


    Sleepaway Camp 4-REAL?!
    Just a mashup of scenes from the first three movies with only less than 5% of original film (that includes the opening and credits scenes) and you can't even understand what's really happening. I know that they had budget problems and that they did it this way to finish it but they should have left it unfinished. This should not be consider a movie at all.