

Favorite films

  • Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
  • The Pest
  • The Fifth Element
  • Ghost in the Shell

Recent activity

  • The New Mutants


  • Terminator: Dark Fate


  • Dark Phoenix

  • Interstellar


Recent reviews

  • The New Mutants

    The New Mutants


    If I was to tell myself when I was a teen that they'd do any AAA blockbuster Marvel movies I'd have second thoughts and reservations. To love comics, much like videogames, when I was growing up made you feel much like a mutant in many of these stories.
    The movie as a whole was intriguing and entertaining. Anyone that had grown up reading these stories would be thrilled to witness these characters brought to life in such an impactful way.…

  • Terminator: Dark Fate

    Terminator: Dark Fate


    "The Dragon Ball Super of Terminator movies."
    Wiping out the filler movies after the first two and washing away the GTism that they were. Throw in James Cameron with production and writing and the movie has legs. For all those that thought that the movie was shallow; by what comparison? No one is watching a Terminator movie for the shock plot twists and character development. You watch a Terminator because it has awesome effects and it makes the popcorn taste…

  • Dark Phoenix

    Dark Phoenix

    Looking at the movie as a whole there was shallow writing. Moments that even a good director and excellent actors couldn't elevate it above what it was: shoddy. There are some strong character moments but a lot more instances of hypocrisy that make you question the characters convictions at every turn. Why build up a character in a certain direction only to have them drop all of those beliefs in a fleeting second?! The fight on the train had some…

  • Interstellar



    The beginning starts you off with emotional building blocks that are believable and necessary to propel the story. As you progress through the narrative the director doesn't waste your time with what you can expect from your "standard" space travel drama. Only the moments that cement the story and the gentle wrapper of notable lines and emotions around it are detailed. The intensity is what builds next. There are quick glimpses when you want to feel but you can't because…