Nick Cage solidifying his place in my constantly shifting list of top 3 favorite actors, Elisabeth Shu doing an amazing job and becoming my blueprint for the perfect woman.
Hardest and at the same time best watch this year
Nick Cage solidifying his place in my constantly shifting list of top 3 favorite actors, Elisabeth Shu doing an amazing job and becoming my blueprint for the perfect woman.
Hardest and at the same time best watch this year
Loved it , got alot of fargo vibes , Bradd Pitt playing a himbo is hilarious, also I usually can't stand George Clooney, but he was great in this.
I came back from my workout with a slipped disc or something simmilar, basically insane back pain, and I layed on the floor hoping it would go away. In this pain induced dillirum I decided I should watch this movie. I couldn’t get much of whats going on but it took my mind off things.
Would recommend for anyone with back pain 👍
All this guy does is yell and get angry but hes absolutely my favorite actor, especially the old ones with him go hard as shit