The first half of this movie is a 5 star comedy.
Once they leave Franco's it really drops off. A shame.
Final scene slaps though.
The first half of this movie is a 5 star comedy.
Once they leave Franco's it really drops off. A shame.
Final scene slaps though.
This was not necessarily what I was expecting, but I think that's a good thing. In essence the trailer really kept the crux of the film hidden. More films should do that.
The Monkey is basically a Final Destination film but intentionally funny. Less horror, more a super gory comedy.
Not my favourite from Oz, but certainly still enjoyable.
Also my first time seeing Theo James in anything, and I thought he was terrific.
What a fascinating film.
It makes its point early on, and seemingly unsubtly, but then continues to absolutely sledgehammer it home until it transforms into something all together different.
This is purposefully vague, because really I don't think you should know much about this going on. It's not what I thought it was, and I think I enjoyed it mroe because of that.
Sebastian Stan and Adam Pearson are both incredible, and every other performance is almost cartoonist. But it…