

Horror fan/nerd, father of two. I love animation, musicals, and horror (and if I can get all three, so much the better).

Favorite films

  • Donnie Darko
  • Saved!
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

Recent activity

  • Property


  • Starve Acre


  • Nightsiren


  • Novocaine


Recent reviews

  • Property



    This is a movie that fully earns the queasy feeling of moral ambiguity it instills in the audience.

    The elevator pitch makes it sound like a standard action/survival movie: A couple roll up to their upscale ranch in an armored vehicle, only to find themselves in the midst of a workers' uprising. The situation escalates, spirals, escalates some more...

    And we wonder who the good guys and bad guys really are, where are sympathies are meant to lie. The workers…

  • Starve Acre

    Starve Acre


    I can dig a folk horror slow burn. Give me somber, rural british people with incomprehensible accents and a lurking creature on the moors and I'm a happy camper.

    But this one... well, folk horror without the horror is a slow burn that eventually peters out.

    Matt Smith, completely devoid of energy after his time as The Doctor, moves his wife and son to the desolate countryside where he grew up. We learn his father used to make him stand…

Popular reviews

  • Captive



    Deeply creepy and unsettling, a fascinating watch with a few genuine "holy shit" moments. No paranormal stuff, no jump scares, just a queasy sense of wrongness throughout that culminates in a humdinger of an ending.

  • Nothing Bad Can Happen

    Nothing Bad Can Happen


    I... I guess. This German punk-aesthetic Passion of the Christ chronicles the martyrdom of a late-teens kid who lives his non-violent faith in a violent world. Sort of.

    Is Tore a holy fool? A saint? A confused kid who is paralyzed by a misguided faith? The movie doesn't take much of a point of view there. Instead, it shows Tore encountering temptation, cruelty, violation and violence, and yet continuing to show compassion and live his faith. Sort of. Mostly he…