Back to good captain-America-movie style political drama.
Glad the celestial head is finally mentioned
Overall yep good
Back to good captain-America-movie style political drama.
Glad the celestial head is finally mentioned
Overall yep good
Tom Holland best spider-man. MCU spider man the best I’m sorry I said what I said
This is a movie that I had been meaning to watch for years, I started watching it a few years ago but for some reason never finished it.
Wow, it was so so incredible and really interested me. Really liked the direction style and there was great tension throughout and I hadn’t been this invested in the climax of a movie in ages, I was gasping throughout.
Only slight complaint is that the pacing is a bit slow at times but I can excuse that because the film was just so great.
Incredible cast makes it too.
My previous opinion was that this movie was all shock value with little coherence and actual storyline but oh boy was I very wrong. While of course there is still a lot that is shown for shock value, there is a real plot. Very good