

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • The Thing
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Network

Recent activity

  • John Mulaney: Baby J


  • Mike Birbiglia: The Old Man and the Pool


  • Brian Simpson: Live from the Mothership


  • Joe Rogan: Burn the Boats


Recent reviews

  • The King of Staten Island

    The King of Staten Island


    Better than anticipated. I was so sad for Scott at the beginning.

  • The Parent Trap

    The Parent Trap


    I went into this thinking I was going to treat it as a typical rom-com movie with possible bubblegum vibes, but I was wrong! Now I understand why some see it as a classic. Great writing that catches a wide audience.

Popular reviews

  • A Hidden Life

    A Hidden Life


    A Hidden Life, in its modest and genuinely grandiose themes, beautiful yet painful sequences, and deeply moving story, at its core is about the single question, "Do we still follow Christ with all of our hearts even if there is absolutely no worldly gain?" And it does not poise this question with an obvious answer. It shows us the nuances and horrific worldly consequences that come as a result. The realistic result most of the time, even today.
    There are…

  • Ford v Ferrari

    Ford v Ferrari


    Ford v Ferrari.

    Me v trying to drive fast post-movie

    Me v sadness b/c I do not own a racing car

    Me v selling my car to buy said racing car

    Me v learning stick

    Me v 7000 rpms

    Me v being pulled over for going 120 in a 20