≥6 = 👍
≤5 = 👎
'Heart' equals 8.5 and up.
And also denotes 7.5s.
Stowaway to Nowhere is the best action sequence I’ve seen so far this decade.
First hour: Haha silly minilla do funny
Last 10 minutes: The Human Condition III
A very understated, intimate and impressive debut from Patrick Wang that is mesmerizing for almost its entire runtime. There’s always something simmering, powerful emotions quietly stirring underneath every scene until a release that washes over like a devastating yet soothing wave.
With three hours, it takes all the time it needs to flesh out its story and themes. It takes on complex subjects such as grief, homosexuality, orphanhood and parenthood with grace and finesse. It allows us time to get…
Worth watching for its visual beauty alone, especially the second half with its epic landscapes. There’s a timeless quality to everything. The cinematography brings out of its locations, an almost fantastical element which lends itself very well to the film’s mythological nature.
The story itself is intriguing, but emotionally distant.