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- wow 2
- <3 loved this a lot... plus john voiced robot good
- almost lesbians
- also butch lady looks like an old crush of mine.....yeah
- also cop out ending...
- also im gay
- best movie ever
- boyfrienfdc ?????..
- cant believe i found lesbian subtext in this im too gay
- dovid was good.. im glad
- emma stone lesbiansm activated!
- emma...... im in lovewirh tou
- esti..hope ur life good babey you deserve it
- fuc k
- fuck!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!! fuck
- funky... good cast <3
- ginger did snap
- god
- happy gay ending in 1985? god 2018 cant relate
- heartbreaking honestly...i wish all these girlsnthe best and also the actresses were amazing
- hehe
- hehe i liked it
- hehe i liked it <3
- holy fuck
- howl you are mt wife
- i didnt like it
- i didnt like it that much but the end made me cry for hours....omnipresence of death i guess
- i didnt recognize kidman lmao..had to block out the nose w my fingers to rec her eyes impressive
- i feel it in my stomach this is my fabourite movie in a log long long time
- i love women.. and friendship
- i reallt loved this wish i could meet watermelon dude n talk maybe i got you buddy
- i think i will grow to love it more
- im an only child so seeing depictions of sisterhood makes me nostalgic in a way ! god what a good movie
- just the life of a normal dude i liked it
- last movie for today heart worm...
- lesbian!!!
- lesbians
- lol? rhat was bad
- loneliness hurty
- love
- loved it way more than i thought i would
- lovvvvvv it
- me as the dad aleeping through everything rip
- my head hurts bc im sick so i feel like i didnt appreciae this fully ill rewatch one day
- my love and life
- not overly but it was satisfying !!
- omg i hate men... but that was good actually pt que le quebec est bon finalement thanks pat
- omg tha t was good?
- one star lost for awful contact lenses and incest
- s1
- s2
- so boring ...weird..bad..
- stars for the directing
- sugarcoated af but nice
- thank ulu
- the ending was weird? liked it though !
- they are girlfriends... i think
- this was all over the place abd i loved it all but the r*pe joke
- ugh had to be done
- v good
- was very nice i enjoyed it!
- weird as hell
- what a wonderful movie ... i cried a lot
- why is the male lead so ugly
- yeah im vegan and this triggered me
- you are free