

Favorite films

  • Howl's Moving Castle

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  • Nuts in May


  • Dead Poets Society


  • Howl's Moving Castle


  • The Grand Budapest Hotel


Recent reviews

  • Nuts in May

    Nuts in May


    I chewed this film bloody well for any of the Keith's out there who are interested: I didn't let it just slip down like these ruddy Candice's out there.

  • Dead Poets Society

    Dead Poets Society


    Yes, this film basically only has posh white guy in it, but it's an American boarding school. Robin Williams' character, despite not being the main focus of the film has more depth to it than just a wise cracking teacher who's a bit cooky and has some c-c-crazy methodology! His character serves mainly as the glue that fixes together the individual parts of the boys, which forms a completed frame that surrounds their lives in their collective development under the…

Popular reviews

  • Howl's Moving Castle

    Howl's Moving Castle


    Anything Calcifer says is immediately forgotten when you see his little legs struggling in the air like that. Also I will give this film a tear rating of: a few tears. Which is a rare occurrence.
