Stephen King makes great books and his books make great movies! Here are all the King adapted movies that I…
Orson Welles Ranked
Just the films Welles directed himself.
Sam Raimi ranked
Favorite director. Here is my ranking of his movies.
Halloween Movies
Ranked by personal preference. My goal is to watch a new one of these every Halloween night, so this list…
Tim Burton movies ranked
I love Tim Burton's style, and when his movies are good they are usually favorites of mine. Here is a…
Shyamalan films ranked
Look the man's track record isn't perfect but I've seen enough great stuff from him to honestly consider him one…
Scorsese Ranked
Based on personal preference
Horror Remakes Ranked
From the early 2000s to mid 2010s these things were everywhere. This list is mostly comprised of but not limited…
X-Men Ranked
Most of these are good but the continuity is undeniably a mess and there are some stinkers in there.