ryess (from the lobster 2015)

ryess (from the lobster 2015) Patron

keeping my eye on the donut

Favorite films

  • The Lobster
  • The Living End
  • Being John Malkovich
  • Shiva Baby

Recent activity

  • Hot Department: Dark Web

  • Finding Yeezus

  • Adolescence

  • The Telling Of The Untold Story Of Tabitha Booth

Pinned reviews

  • David Lynch: The Art Life

    David Lynch: The Art Life

    this man taught me to love art and to make art you love, to dream and fall in love with ideas, and to live life with no compromises. for that i am forever grateful. my GOAT, my favourite silly guy, an artist in the purest form. thank you for everything david 🖤🖤🖤.

Recent reviews

  • The Telling Of The Untold Story Of Tabitha Booth

    The Telling Of The Untold Story Of Tabitha Booth

    I need to queen out with her

    also a really fun showcase of some great Melbourne performing arts venues!

  • My Favorite Shapes by Julio Torres

    My Favorite Shapes by Julio Torres

    Julio Torres has quickly become one of My Guys™. I have been charmed by his mind and his trinkets and his cute outfits.

    Truly an inspirational artist. Finished watching Fantasmas early today as well and thought it was amazing. When I wasn't laughing out loud, my mouth was agape in awe. Julio Torres is the type of artist that makes you start to see the world in a different colour and never look back.

Popular reviews

  • The Emu War

    The Emu War


    here are some of my thoughts about this silly silly movie i may or may not turn into a proper review:

    - HIGH laughs per minute, every shot seemed to have something funny about it
    - some really awesome puppetry. the little baby emus were quite cute and when they had guns was pretty great
    - crazy cast, just hilarious performances across-the-board
    - i am an absolute sucker for a best friends montage
    - the CGI.
    - silently cheered whenever…

  • Longlegs



    lynchian in that it exploits the mysteries and horrors of upper middle class american suburbia. though instead of depicting it as a beautiful, idyllic town with "more than meets the eye", the places in this are bleak and dull and grimy, filling you with this real dread; the white picket fences in this film only lend themselves to the coldness and lifelessness of it all. in contrast, the scenes with the most life are indoors, in Harker's house, when she's…