Favorite films
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Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
A wonderful adaptation. Incredibly well done. However, I really disliked Jon Chu's directing style. It's all straight dolly shots. It's very boring, but maybe that was the intention? Because it's suppose to be a musical experience?
The music was beautiful and Ariana Grand surprised me. Cynthia was incredible, too. But I am gay and I knew she would be.
Book to film adaptations are difficult to successfully pull off. Intense Science Fiction with pages upon pages of introspection is especially cumbersome for screenwriters and directors. There would have to be absurd amounts of exposition and yawn inducing info dump conversations to be effective. Denis Villeneuve's Dune, however, expertly transforms Frank Herbert's Dune novel into a fantastic cinematic masterpiece.
I am in awe of how masterful Villeneuve's directing was. From how he communicates history with environments and props to the…
In all Universes this film is perfect. I feel seen. Naked. In every sense of the word. I've never had a movie where I truly believed it was made for me until I saw Everything Everywhere All At Once.
It was incredible. Highly imaginative and astonishingly surreal. I cried. I laughed. I cried while laughing.
The Daniels pulled off the most creative film I've seen in a long time. Despite all the branching story lines, it just works so beautifully. I cannot wait to see this again and i cannot foresee any other film in 2022 dethroning this instant classic.