he looked at me and said, "your potential is bittersweet"
day 43 of begging letterboxd to add iwtv (2022-)
god that was actually really good
its gonna be redundant of me to say anything but lets go:
- yayyy it really embraces the fact that it's a comic book movie!!
- iiii need more of bloodsport sorry he's my fave i know he's the mc and that's boring but shut up
- i actually dont agree with the takes that this film is "trying too hard" to be edgy or separate itself from the other suicide squad movie. idk…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
one-liner: the stupid lil dance kenneth does oh god i almost feel bad for mark for how much he invested into the trumpisms.
ramble: there was so much going on this needs a rewatch!!
- the whole mickey v mickey prisoner's dilemma bomb thing that speaks to yk how marginalized groups are pitted against each other in culture wars that ultimately service the higher ups (or also just a commentary on work culture like the whole movie is but lemme…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
If you can watch this on the big screen™, DO IT!!!
Script was alright specifically when Jim Carrey was talking, but still decent even when the emotional foreshadowing was heavyhanded most of the times. Some jokes ran on for too long or were one-note, but it's a kid's movie what can I say. (Most grimace-inducing line was: "Konichi-whaaaaat?!" and mind you iirc that was the only one that actually had me wincing. So.)
Shadow carried HARD!! they really probably had…
I did genuinely get a little scared/ nervous of that penguin so.
Anyways I don't think the Wallace slander is unjustified but also I'm sorry but he's just a goofball I can't be too mad at him.