

Favorite films

  • Cléo from 5 to 7
  • Tampopo
  • Desert Hearts
  • Daisies

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  • The Strange Love of Martha Ivers

  • Mr. Imperium


  • The Bigamist

  • Nothing Sacred

Recent reviews

  • Mr. Imperium

    Mr. Imperium


    I am writing this review 30 minutes in the film trying to gain the courage to stop watching. This film is entirely dull , but I want to give it a fair chance. So far , the chemistry is nil. The only joy I'm getting out of this film is how many times Lana Turner says "Albuquerque".
    I finally gave up. There are too few minutes in a life to waste it watching something so entirely yawn inducing.

  • The Bigamist

    The Bigamist

    I went from feeling little sympathy for Harry to a much more sympathetic position through the course of the film. Excellent storytelling and acting really convinced me of the pickle Harry found himself in. I didn't love the evangelizing at the end but it's to be expected given the subject matter of the film and the year it was made. Overall , a well told story in less than an hour and a half. I look forward to watching more of Ida Lupinos work.

Popular reviews

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    Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood


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    Fashions of 1934

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