

Insta ( nour_misl )

Idk i guess watching movie a day keeps me a bit sane

Favorite films

  • Donnie Darko
  • White Oleander
  • Empire Records
  • Before I Fall

Recent activity

  • Memento


  • Prozac Nation


  • Scream 2


  • Deep Water


Recent reviews

  • Memento



    Need to rewatch that shit u can never watch one of Christopher movies one time ull never get it 😭but ow god ilove the scene when he says 
    We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are and iam no different

  • Prozac Nation

    Prozac Nation


    most people uk they cut themselves ,they piut a band aid on they keep going
    Mm and what do u do

    I just keep bleeding 
    And uk its not about sh 
    And shes so right people sometimes move on but i just cant i keep bleeding 
    Haven't had a good cry in a really long time but this movie had me sobbing one of my favs movies about continuing life and moving one and being a better person for u urself not for anyone else 

    And oh the mom shit was to deep for me

Popular reviews

  • American Psycho

    American Psycho


    i think my mask of sanity is about  to slip 

    when they showed the drawings they really did something there , well but i wouldve loved this movie if it wasnt for the scenes they were really disgusting like the killing ok cool with that but nahh 
    But at the same time i think everyone should watch that movie and the wah he says

    My pain is constant and sharp
    And i do not hope for a better world…

  • Last Night in Soho

    Last Night in Soho


    First am gonna say that i wished some scenes where much better cuz some of ellis acts where um like not that good 
     But no what a movie am impressed atm like the plot twist at the end 
     But must say that it was her fault too uk u cant just blame everything on jake tho lindsey tried to help her but she just didnt think much of her self and killing people like gurl no.
     But i enjoy this movie sm and it just shocked me as well such a. Good movie fr 
