Some guy on Letterboxd.
Evangelion is the only constant in Top 4.
Had to see this in theaters out of respect for my GOAT.
Being vulnerable is scary. Teen years are scary. Adult years are scary. Just being is scary. Selling yourself and your body (that you've been so self concious about) to grasp a fleeting feeling, to fill that empty void inside you. Being desired, objectified, and then cast aside once your "purpose" is up. Yearning for control over your life (lot of hand imagery throughout Anno's work as an idea…
So caught up in attempts to be a "real movie for adults" and the next great American epic, it often commits unforced errors in an attempt to thread too many things on its mind. The American Dream, America's willingness to use and discard immigrants based on their usefulness, the unceasing march of capitalism all get tossed together with musings on an artist's form of expression, legacies, and the meaning behind an actual piece of work. I appreciate the big swings…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
As I sat there in the theater, listening to the crowd cheer at laugh at every weak attempt at a joke, cheer when something they recognized was referenced, and eagerly chatter and explode when THAT happened, I had an existential crisis. Did I know what good movies were? What exactly is fun? Do I no longer know how to have fun? Am I out of touch? What is the point of making movies? What's the point of discussing them anyways?…