Fan of crime drama, noir, mid-century Japanese cinema, and occult/body horror. Hates Back to the Future
@NWterroractual on IG
Some of those trashing this and Prometheus seem to forget that these films are a breath of fresh air after years and years between Alien 3 and Alien vs Predator lol.
Give ol Riddles a break here people.
As a Netflix Original coming out a decade ago with a throwaway plot you could watch with a lap full of snacks on the couch and forget it exists the next day? Fantastic
In a world where Bong Joon Ho directed Parasite, one of the greatest cinematic bodies of work to ever exist, just to follow up with this? No thanks.
Atrocious and gaudy. I've quite honestly seen better YouTube video essays.
This show is full of excellent dialogue and set pieces and is beautifully shot but absolutely nothing happens. We really need to stop celebrating 9-10 episode long slow burns, especially when that's the total length of the project.
Like a Dragonball Z saga, we get the "what is Toranaga planning?" arc spanning 9 episodes with the series finale being the big pay off. Who enjoys this pacing? Who do they make this for? I could certainly appreciate a long slow…