

“art and love are the same thing: it’s the 
process of seeing yourself in things
that are not you.”

Favorite films

  • The Prince of Egypt
  • Rudo & Cursi
  • Big Hero 6
  • Inglourious Basterds

Recent activity

  • Flash of Genius

  • Dear Comrades!


  • The Prince of Egypt


  • The Prince of Egypt


Recent reviews

  • She's the Man

    She's the Man


    1. wanted to watch a cheesy teenage classic from the 90s or 2000s, this is what i settled for and it fulfilled my expectations
    2. watched it on tiktok first until i decided to play the actual movie
    3. wanted duke to be a bi icon the li shang from mulan way, but i guess that wasn't quite the case

  • Charm School

    Charm School


    me gustó el reparto y la inquietud que me genera por no haber tenido la fortuna de ser una adolescente en los 2000s

  • After Lucia

    After Lucia


    por la trama y el tema en torno al que gira, no es una película muy disfrutable de ver. lo más destacable y que me tomó por sorpresa definitivamente fueron la serie de escenas del final

  • Pretty Woman

    Pretty Woman

    can't blame a girl for having a soft spot for romcoms
