a. colter

a. colter Pro

Favorites are best first watches of the month

Favorite films

  • Rear Window
  • Shampoo
  • Something Wild
  • Between the Lines

Recent activity

  • Glory

  • The Big Short

  • Rear Window

  • The Slumber Party Massacre

Recent reviews

  • Pride & Prejudice

    Pride & Prejudice

    Can any amount of gorgeous scenery, engaging performances and fancy camerawork make up for the loss of Jane Austen's intelligence and acid wit? Is it entirely unfair to compare books to movies? Well, the movie works.

  • Say Amen, Somebody

    Say Amen, Somebody

    I return to this movie several times a year like a parched man to water. It's an astonishing, perfect documentary, and easily one of the greatest music docs of all time.

Popular reviews

  • Avatar: The Way of Water

    Avatar: The Way of Water


    My old TV's inability to properly render Na'vi nipples really ruined the movie for me

  • The Witch

    The Witch

    A film that takes the Puritan worldview as factual is a premise frightening all on its own. For the Puritans, god is set at a great remove due to the unflagging sinfulness of humanity. The devil is always near at hand to tempt, waylay, and corrupt even (or especially) the most fervently pious. Some are preordained to heaven, yes, but most are preordained for hell and the devil. The mother and father in this movie are so intensely pious that…