Formerly of Failed Critics, Set The Tape, and various podcasts you never listened to.
Used to watch loads of movies. Now? Not so much.
I hadn't even heard of this before deciding to watch it at 4.30am on my commuter train. An absolutely astonishing and morally ambiguous Western of the highest standards. The characters, the moral dilemmas, the setting, they're all superb and the final 7-10mins in particular blew me away, so to speak.
Gotta admire the directors' devotion to the tripod; almost exclusively shot with static-cams, regardless of the terrain. Nice work.
I kind of thought it would be a mindless action film where Sly goes around killing the bad guys in the jungle with his machine gun and that's about it. Like Predator, I guess, just without the Predator.
I was wrong. It's excellent. I found it very entertaining, and also quite sad. Sure, Rambo is this bad-ass, super elite soldier who can kill a man practically by looking at him, but I never realised there was a subtext quite so…
Amazing. Thought the train was going to come right out of the screen at me. Loses points for not being in HD.