Alex Oldham

Alex Oldham Pro

Favorite films

  • Predator
  • Alien
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Blade Runner

Recent activity

  • Blood and Black Lace


  • Bowling for Columbine


  • Companion


  • High School


Recent reviews

  • Blood and Black Lace

    Blood and Black Lace


    Aaah the colours!!!!

  • Bowling for Columbine

    Bowling for Columbine


    At times it's presentation can be a little disingenuous, but this documentary is a really good examination of a section of America that makes no sense to anyone outside it.

    Sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking, ultimately angering. Moore has so much ground to cover in two hours and yet still doesn't even really scratch the surface as to America's essential proclivity to present its ongoing classism war as a culture war.

    You can actually see people internalise their own ideological limitations…

Popular reviews

  • Pinocchio


    After about an hour of thought, I'm revising my score outta 5. It's lost half a star

    It's a 1 star film, that's being generous, who can I bill to get my 90 mins back?

  • Prey



    Cons: Not enough super jacked dudes, No getting to the choppa

    Pros: Literally everything else