I basically like all movies so don’t expect critiques
Also this is all for fun don’t take me seriously
Didn’t go into this movie expecting Mona Lisa’s cameo to be more impactful than Hugh Grant’s 10 seconds screen time
All this movie did was reinforce how much I HATE Mark Zuckerberg Omfg
Nothing I hate more than that cretin and his weirdly homoerotic relationship with Eduardo
This movie is about 10 billion times better than the first one. The first movie is bland, predictable and I found myself getting bored, but this movie is full of cute little creatures, a good set of characters (glad to see more of the island gang) and the relationship dynamics paired with the comedy makes for an EXCELLENT movie. And a pretty dark ending to a kids film. Idek HOW this movie got a lower rating than the first one, it’s CLEARLY superior.
Gayest straight movie ever (it’s the best cinematic masterpiece in existence and no movie will ever be better)