Former film student who watches too few films
I give too many 5 star reviews, sorry in advance
An incredibly tender, brilliantly shot and delicately portrayed story. Touching on a lot of very important topics, religion, sexuality, gender, with the 2003 setting only heightening it. Though, for the first few minutes the society puts you at odds with the time, unsettling you in the house as the audience straight away.
A fantastic film from some very talented filmmakers!!!
I love alien movies, the lore was fun, the throwbacks were good, the effects were HOLY SHIT good, I left wanting to shit myself in the best of ways
Another fucking banger from Radio Silence. Great practical effects, fantastic performances, funny as fuck moments, everything I love in a horror movie. Pacing at the start is a little slow, and it's a shame they gave so much away in the trailers but still a very entertaining watch, can't wait to see what they come up with next.