Jack Saunders

Jack Saunders

Favorite films

  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
  • Macbeth
  • The Darjeeling Limited

Recent activity

  • Moana 2


  • The Marvels


  • Motherless Brooklyn


  • Macbeth


Recent reviews

  • Moana 2

    Moana 2


    It's beautiful, well acted, and competently made but struggles to justify its own existence beyond just being exposition for the post-credits teaser for the most unnecessary third part of a trilogy ever put to film.

    Moana rules, and this is it's sequel, that says about all there is to say really.

  • The Marvels

    The Marvels


    It feels like a TV special for a show that thinks it's way better and more popular than it actually is.

    Kamala Khan still rocks, carries the film.

    Monica Rambeau has an absurd amount of potential in character and ability that I'd like to see fulfilled.

    Captain Marvel still feels like a Superman character who wants you to know that she takes everything personally, and is just so unlikeable and not at all endearing to me. To the point where…

Popular reviews

  • Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

    Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace


    Makes for a really fun theater experience, and after all this time you certainly learn to love it and enjoy it for what it is.

    Still the second worst prequel.

  • The Fall Guy

    The Fall Guy


    Charming the entire way through.