

media underconsumption (im trying)

Favorite films

  • Past Lives
  • The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
  • Ballerina
  • Take the Ball, Pass the Ball

Recent activity

  • Take the Ball, Pass the Ball


  • Interstellar


  • Encanto


  • D.E.B.S.


Recent reviews

  • Take the Ball, Pass the Ball

    Take the Ball, Pass the Ball


    and the only thing i can say is ALHAMDULLILAH....

    barcelona ur so much more than a club ur a life... no joke. to seeing the old generation and being able to visualize what theyre saying by just remembering the way our current youngsters play actually made me tear up like what a way to prove it.. our history is our future but also hearing how this was created.. BLESS EVERYONES SOUL. 

    Taking this with me for every moment. Our philosophy…

  • Interstellar



    one of the movies u would never ever forget... loved it sm. Oomf said i earned filmbro bachelorssjshsj

Popular reviews

  • Encanto



    best thing that ever happened to me.. thank u emmachi for the encouragement imagine i watched that corby show instead of this like no joke. Im a changed woman

  • The Joy Luck Club

    The Joy Luck Club


    truly a movie u wouldnt understand if u werent a daughter of an immigrant mother. Found it by watching a youtube video on the complexities of a mother daughter relationship and realized now nobody would ever understand it maybe not even the mother and the daughter themselves. Anyways loved it so much we should all have more empathy for our immigrant mothers, treasure them in a way they have never been treasured. I think i understood that more as a…
