this movie is about being bipolar but I feel like im the only one who thinks that.
like fuck its so one to one on so many layers i could write a whole paper about this
this movie is about being bipolar but I feel like im the only one who thinks that.
like fuck its so one to one on so many layers i could write a whole paper about this
that girl is like 30 years old in this shit
also how tf did they selvester stalone in this
A lot of people are critical that this “should have been less focused on a white Jewish perspective” and “was very surface level” but, I mean that’s what this film was trying to do wasn’t it? I think the extent of the propaganda American Jews are fed is incredibly important to understand, especially in a way that won’t feed a victim complex! Israeli propaganda is built on the idea that Jew and Zionist are one in the same, and this…